Library Books Cloth Placemat – A shelf full of classic leather bound books transformed with the addition of embroidery texture. A photo-to-art creation that is sure to delight the teacher, librarian or book lover!
Placemats are such useful things! Sure you can use them in the usual way… to protect that beautiful heirloom table from scratches and spills. They are a great way to create a personal dining space at a large table. Don’t forget using special placemats to celebrate special occasions… such as graduating from college… or for young readers, set a place with a special library books placemat each time they finish reading a book. But have you thought of crafty things you can do with a cloth placemat? — Make a pillow. Fashion a tote bag?… Make a quilt! Think of all the many things you could do with a Library Books Placemat or two!
by Remembrances